"You are not the first person who made an assumption that this site was a part of the JW religion. You will find the same thing on other sites. There is a lot of anger about the WTBTS, Elders, etc. Your dating options and living arrangement..... wink wink..... are the least of our concerns."
Pinkpizza: After reading your post, I got the impression that you, like most of us here, are another former JW trying to navigate your way through the difficult waters one encounters when transitioning into the non JW life .I got the idea that you knew well what this site was about and came here for a little support from those of us in the same boat.
Or did I miss something?
Anyway, it sounds like you're well on your way out and have managed to keep things relatively intact with your family. If I have any advice to offer, it would be to be aware that as a former JW you may still be a bit too trusting of others. This is oftern the case for young and or inexperienced people and especially so for former JW's who were used to giving our trust to people we've only just met.
Even though the JW religion isn't the absolute truth in this world, there were certain protections and safeguards that came along with being part of it. Be sure not to toss all of the moral values and rules of conduct aside because you don't want to be a JW and because you mistakenly think that JW's are the only one who follow them.
When speaking of non JW's or "the world" Witnesses like compare themselves to the worst examples out there. They make it seem as if it's impossible to live a clean upstanding life unless you're "in the Truth". Often, those of us who were raised JW, have a very black and white viewpoint about this at first and assume no one but JW"s have moral standards. Some even assume that once you're not a JW, you automatically have to run out and start living some debauched lifestyle and they get themselves into some serious trouble or make some unwise choices.
Hopefully you are taking this into consideration as you adjust to life outside the "organization".